The world is getting more and more complex. Some of that is good (space race, metaverse, AI, EVs) but there is also a bad side of this complexity. Rising public discontent, stressful living, increase in pollution, increasing easy access to dangerous technologies and information, failing economies and, of course, war.

Human nature is strange in the sense that we lose our foresight when it comes to protect what we cherish the most – our families and our loved ones



Everywhere, expenses are rising while incomes are reducing. Technological advancement has led to many jobs made redundant and many more are about to be made redundant. Loss of jobs is leading to an increase in crimes such as burglary and home invasions.  Pre-emptive measures  need to be taken to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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Over 230 significant protests have erupted worldwide in more than 110 countries. Most of these have been peaceful but several have turned violent. Reasons are varied but more and more people are taking to the streets in thousands around the world. You need to be ready for a sudden violent civil disturbance near your home.

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The Pandemic in 2020 and Sri Lanka in 2022 are a wake-up call to every country and every person around the globe. In 2020, the whole world was locked away in their homes for a year. If the government can quarantine people, what if they decide to quarantine money, like China has done in 2022.



Terrorists today are not all uneducated hardliners. Some are scientists, technicians and medical professionals. While a terror attack in any form is horrific, an attack done with non-conventional weapons would be catastrophic. It could be a covert bioterror attack by releasing a virus or an overt attack by detonating a “DIRTY” nuke. The chances of such an attack happening are increasing by each passing day.



WAR is becoming increasingly likely with several geopolitically unstable areas around the world. Russia-Ukraine, India-Pakistan, Iran-Israel, China-Taiwan, North-Korea South-Korea…any one of these flashpoints around the world can trigger a global war anytime. The world barely avoided one in 2017, but this time, it seems things are coming to a pass.



The MOST VISIBLE BUT SILENT, IGNORED and REAL threat that faces our civilization today. That the climate is changing is not just a theory anymore. All areas globally, have witnessed a rise in average temperatures with each passing year. Agriculture cannot survive in soil temperatures more than 50˚ C. Climate Change would lead to unpredictable weather patterns, energy & food shortages, loss of jobs and other events which would create any or all of the above situations.



The world is getting more and more complex. Some of that is good (space race, metaverse, AI, EVs) but there is also a bad side of this complexity. Rising public discontent, stressful living, increase in pollution, increasing easy access to dangerous technologies and information, failing economies and, of course, war.

Human nature is strange in the sense that we lose our foresight when it comes to protect what we cherish the most – our families and our loved ones



Everywhere, expenses are rising while incomes are reducing. Technological advancement has led to many jobs made redundant and many more are about to be made redundant. Loss of jobs is leading to an increase in crimes such as burglary and home invasions.  Pre-emptive measures  need to be taken to protect yourself and your loved ones.


Over 230 significant protests have erupted worldwide in more than 110 countries. Most of these have been peaceful but several have turned violent. Reasons are varied but more and more people are taking to the streets in thousands around the world. You need to be ready for a sudden violent civil disturbance near your home.

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The Pandemic in 2020 and Sri Lanka in 2022 are a wake-up call to every country and every person around the globe. In 2020, the whole world was locked away in their homes for a year. If the government can quarantine people, what if they decide to quarantine money, like China has done in 2022.


Terrorists today are not all uneducated hardliners. Some are scientists, technicians and medical professionals. While a terror attack in any form is horrific, an attack done with non-conventional weapons would be catastrophic. It could be a covert bioterror attack by releasing a virus or an overt attack by detonating a “DIRTY” nuke. The chances of such an attack happening are increasing by each passing day.



WAR is becoming increasingly likely with several geopolitically unstable areas around the world. Russia-Ukraine, India-Pakistan, Iran-Israel, China-Taiwan, North-Korea South-Korea…any one of these flashpoints around the world can trigger a global war anytime. The world barely avoided one in 2017, but this time, it seems things are coming to a pass.


The MOST VISIBLE BUT SILENT, IGNORED and REAL threat that faces our civilization today. That the climate is changing is not just a theory anymore. All areas globally, have witnessed a rise in average temperatures with each passing year. Agriculture cannot survive in soil temperatures more than 50˚ C. Climate Change would lead to unpredictable weather patterns, energy & food shortages, loss of jobs and other events which would create any or all of the above situations.
